The Interlocal Purchasing System, better known as, TIPS Purchasing Cooperative, began in 2002 as a small regional cooperative of the Region 8 Education Service Center. While the cooperative has far exceeded the initial vision, Region 8 ESC has maintained its role as the Lead Agency for what is now a national operation.

All TIPS contracts are awarded by the ESC 8 seven-member Board of Directors, and each TIPS vendor has met strict Competitive Procurement Process guidelines established by the ESC 8 administration and the TIPS legal team. The bidding statute for the lead agency is Chapter 44.031 of the Texas Education Code.  To learn more about the Region 8 Education Service Center, visit the ESC 8 website.

HUB# 78922
Woman Owned
Small Business

TexBuy is a statewide purchasing cooperative hosted by Region 16 Education Service Center in Amarillo, Texas.  We are THE Texas representative of the national purchasing organization AEPA (Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies). Many of the awarded contracts offered through TexBuy were solicited nationally by AEPA, providing the most competitive pricing available.  Diamond is thrilled to have been awarded Contract # 022-001 State Wide Office and Classroom Supplies and Equipment.

Computer Software & Supplies
CMPS2223 Bid Award

Arlington ISD – # 23-04 Instructional materials, supplies, service providers & consumables

Ector County ISD – RFP 20-18 PPE and Safety Supplies
WTEPC – Vendor # 10011 Managed through Lubbock ISD
MRPC – Approved Vendor Managed through Region 18 ESC – Midland, TX
Keller ISD – Bid Number: 2209-41 – Maintenance and Operations Supplies & Services
And more…